In Fall 2018, SISTA FIRE will begin its third SISTA Circle, and we want you to join us!
The Fall circle will focus on growing our membership and identifying potential women to lead our future Locus Circle.
Components of the SISTA Circle:
- Circles are limited to 15 members at a time
- Wellness and healing practices are integrated into sessions
- Trainings will include communications, advocacy, research and more
- Identify strategies for economic stability
- Beyond our staff, the Circle will have guest trainers, speakers and artists join us for different sessions to broaden our perspectives and learning
- Members will lead collective action projects that emerge out of our lived experiences
- Child care is available to support members participation
- Upon completion of a SISTA CIRCLE, members will have access to small grants to help with projects and/or personal development opportunities.
SISTA Circle Time Commitments:
- Meeting once a week for 13 weeks
- One full Orientation Day
- Child care available
SISTA Circle Application Process
The application process is designed to help us learn more about each new participant. Circles are limited to 15 members at a time, but if you are not accepted in this round you are automatically moved to another session. We work to create strong, diverse cohorts each session, to learn and grow together in order to move forward SISTA FIRE’s mission. CLICK HERE to apply for the Fall SISTA Circle.
Locus Circle
Members who graduate from SISTA Circle will have the opportunity co-lead and facilitate throughout the network.